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Interparental relationships survey: Results


11 Apr 2016

In March 2016, to coincide with the launch of our report ‘What works to enhance interparental relationships and improve outcomes for children’, we opened an online survey about interparental relationships.

The survey was aimed at local authorities and other professionals working with children and families. We wanted to gauge perceptions of the importance of interpersonal relationships, and the degree to which support for this is being offered.

As of 8 April 2016 we had received 143 responses to this survey. An overview of key findings from the survey to date is included below.

How important do you think the quality of the interparental relationship is to children’s outcomes (regardless of whether parents live together or apart)? (%)

How much of a priority should supporting the interparental relationship be for local early intervention services? (%) 
How much of a priority would you say supporting the interparental relationship is in your local area? (%)

Is support for interparental relationships currently included in __________ in your area? (%)

  1. midwifery & health visiting services and strategies
  2. health and wellbeing strategy
  3. children’s and family workforce development plans
  4. family information service
  5. early intervention or early help strategy
  6. services provided by children’s centres
  7. services for troubled families
  8. parenting support services/programmes and strategies