Evidence Panel
Prof Sonia Bhalotra
University of Warwick
Sonia Bhalotra is Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick. She is principal investigator on an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council 2020-2025 for research on violence against women; co-investigator and lead of the families strand in the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change at ISER Essex 2019-2024; co-investigator and lead on health and human rights in the ESRC-funded on Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project at the Human Rights Centre Essex 2015-2021; and co-investigator on a CEDIL and NIH-funded project on maternal depression, parental investments and child development 2020-2025. She is Fellow of the International Economic Association, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research.
Sonia obtained an MPhil and PhD from Oxford and a BSc Hons from Delhi. She is an academic economist generating evidence to inform policy design in the broad area of skill creation and expanding life chances. Some of her work is positioned within families, some underlines the relevance of the legal and human rights infrastructure, and some underlines the relevance of political representation. She has contributed to research on the dynamic benefits of early life interventions, maternal depression and child mental health, intergenerational mobility, fertility, women’s rights, and the substantive effects of political representation.