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Case study

Pioneering places: Worcestershire & EIF


25 Sep 2015

From 2013, EIF worked with a network of 20 Pioneering Places, which provided an opportunity to learn and test how EIF might make the biggest difference to the business of delivering early intervention on the ground in local areas around England.

The vision of Worcestershire Children’s Services is to enable children, young people and families to achieve their potential in a safe environment so that they can lead successful lives.

This is achieved by ensuring that needs are clearly defined, so that the right services are delivered at the right time by the right people, to the right children, young people and families. Worcestershire achieve this by commissioning based on outcomes at a district level, provision through locality Early Help Hubs and coordination through a central Early Help Hub point of contact.

EIF support & advice

  • Through EIF’s advice and benchmarking analysis, Worcestershire have strengthened their needs assessment, looking more clearly at predictors of need and what this mea
    ns for service requirements.
  • EIF have supported the development of improved strategy and commissioning approaches, through the use of the Early Intervention Maturity Matrix to assess local early intervention system strengths and weaknesses, through support with developing a logic model, and through providing advice on developing a robust performance dashboard.